Monday, May 25, 2009

PHP Text Spell Checker

// 2002-10-10 by Chris Snyder
// this script uses aspell, but not the internal php spelling functions which are somewhat crippled by only being able to check words, not whole documents (as of ~php 4.2.2)
// requires that aspell be installed and working at /usr/local/bin/aspell -- see

// 2003-01-19 -- updated tempfile to use PHP's tempfile creation mech., also bumped year
// 2003-01-24 -- fixed bug that caused improper handling of words with no suggested corrections (thanks, Dekeyzer Stephane!)
// 2003-05-06 -- fixed a bug causing bad things to happen when multiple instances of incorrect words were found on any given line (thanks, Dallas Brown!)
// -- also fixed script so that $opener and $closer work for custom labeling of errors (thanks again, Dallas Brown!)

spellcheck.php -- aspell-based spellchecker implemented in PHP
Copyright (C) 2003 by Chris Snyder (

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

$text= $_POST['text'];
$showsource= $_GET['showsource'];

// file paths and the aspell command have moved down below line 58

// show source code part I
if ($showsource) $sourceinfo= "Script: $_SERVER[SCRIPT_FILENAME] ( source code )";
else $sourceinfo= "show PHP source code";
if (trim($text)!="") {
$showsource= 0;
$sourceinfo= "";

print "


Spell Check Some Text



// if text+check is supplied, first open and create $temptext, then spell check
if (trim($text)!="" && ($_POST['submit']=="check" || $_POST['submit']=="re-check")) {

// set up some vars and create a tempfile
// tempnam() is a PHP function that creates a unique tempfile in the specified path,
// with the specified prefix
$temptext= tempnam("/tmp", "spelltext");

// if you spellcheck alot of HTML, add the -H flag to aspell to put it in SGML mode
$aspellcommand= "cat $temptext | /usr/local/bin/aspell -a";

// these three determine how errors are flagged ($indicator is a description of what $opener and $closer do)
$indicator= "bold";
$opener= "";
$closer= "

if ($fd=fopen($temptext,"w")) {
$textarray= explode("\n",$text);
foreach($textarray as $key=>$value) {
// adding the carat to each line prevents the use of aspell commands within the text...

// next create tempdict and temprepl (skipping for now...)

// next run aspell
$return= shell_exec($aspellcommand);

// now unlink that tempfile
$ureturn= unlink($temptext);

//next parse $return and $text line by line, eh?
$returnarray= explode("\n",$return);
$returnlines= count($returnarray);
$textlines= count($textarray);

//print "text has $textlines lines and return has $returnlines lines.";
$lineindex= -1;
$poscorrect= 0;
$counter= 0;
foreach($returnarray as $key=>$value) {
// if there is a correction here, processes it, else move the $textarray pointer to the next line
if (substr($value,0,1)=="&") {
//print "Line $lineindex correction:".$value."
$correction= explode(" ",$value);
$word= $correction[1];
$absposition= substr($correction[3],0,-1)-1;
$position= $absposition+$poscorrect;
$niceposition= $lineindex.",".$absposition;
$suggstart= strpos($value,":")+2;
$suggestions= substr($value,$suggstart);
$suggestionarray= explode(", ",$suggestions);
//print "I found $word at $position. Will suggest $suggestions.

// highlight in text
$beforeword= substr($textarray[$lineindex],0,$position);
$afterword= substr($textarray[$lineindex],$position+strlen($word));
$textarray[$lineindex]= $beforeword."$opener$word$closer".$afterword;

// kludge for multiple words in one line ("" adds 7 chars to subsequent positions, for instance)
$poscorrect= $poscorrect+strlen("$opener$closer");

// build the correction form
$counter= $counter+1;
$formbody.= "


elseif (substr($value,0,1)=="#") {
//print "Line $lineindex unknown:".$value."
$correction= explode(" ",$value);
$word= $correction[1];
$absposition= $correction[2] - 1;
$position= $absposition+$poscorrect;
$niceposition= $lineindex.",".$absposition;
$suggestions= "no suggestions";
$suggestionarray= explode(", ",$suggestions);
//print "I found $word at $position. Will suggest $suggestions.

// highlight in text
$beforeword= substr($textarray[$lineindex],0,$position);
$afterword= substr($textarray[$lineindex],$position+strlen($word));
$textarray[$lineindex]= $beforeword."$opener$word$closer".$afterword;

// kludge for multiple words in one line ("" adds 7 chars to subsequent positions)
$poscorrect= $poscorrect+strlen("$opener$closer");

// build the correction form
$counter= $counter+1;
$formbody.= "


else {
//print "Done with line $lineindex, next line...

$lineindex= $lineindex+1;
print "
Uncorrected Text (potential errors in $opener$indicator$closer):
foreach ($textarray as $key=>$value) {
print $value."
print "

$htmltext= htmlentities($text);
if ($formbody=="") $formbody= "
No errors!
Click 'correct' to continue with text unchanged.
print "

Correction form:



//print "

// or if text+correct is specified, make the indicated corrections
elseif (trim($text)!="" && $_POST['submit']=="correct") {
$textarray= explode("\n",$text);

$index= 1;
$lastlineindex= 0;
$poscorrect= 0;

// look through list of positions and make corrections
while (isset($_POST["position$index"])) {
$positionarray= explode(",",$_POST["position$index"]);
$lineindex= $positionarray[0];
$absposition= $positionarray[1];

if ($lastlineindex==$lineindex) {
$position= $absposition+$poscorrect;
else {
$poscorrect= 0;
$position= $absposition;
$lastlineindex= $lineindex;
$correct= $_POST["correct$index"];
$incorrect= $_POST["incorrect$index"];
//print "Found correction at $lineindex,$absposition. Replacing ";

$before= substr($textarray[$lineindex],0,$position);
$after= substr($textarray[$lineindex],$position+strlen($incorrect));
$textarray[$lineindex]= $before.$correct.$after;

$poscorrect= (strlen($correct)-strlen($incorrect))+$poscorrect;
//print "Position correction is now $poscorrect.
$index= $index+1;

//print "Original text:
//print nl2br($text);
//print "

foreach ($textarray as $key=>$value) {
print "

Your Corrected Text:

| Clear/Restart | Show Source

// otherwise, show the initial form
else {
print "

Text to Check:


// show source code part II
if ($showsource) {
print "

PHP Source:

$void= show_source($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);

print "

spellcheck.php Copyright (C) 2003 by Chris Snyder

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome
to redistribute it under certain conditions; please refer to the
GNU General Public License for details.


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