Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Calculate date or time difference.

Function to calculate date or time difference.

* Function to calculate date or time difference. Returns an array or
* false on error.
* @author MFJ <>
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2007, MFJ
* @link Get the date / time difference with PHP
* @param string $start
* @param string $end
* @return array
function get_time_difference( $start, $end )
$uts['start'] = strtotime( $start );
$uts['end'] = strtotime( $end );
if( $uts['start']!==-1 && $uts['end']!==-1 )
if( $uts['end'] >= $uts['start'] )
$diff = $uts['end'] - $uts['start'];
if( $days=intval((floor($diff/86400))) )
$diff = $diff % 86400;
if( $hours=intval((floor($diff/3600))) )
$diff = $diff % 3600;
if( $minutes=intval((floor($diff/60))) )
$diff = $diff % 60;
$diff = intval( $diff );
return( array('days'=>$days, 'hours'=>$hours, 'minutes'=>$minutes, 'seconds'=>$diff) );
trigger_error( "Ending date/time is earlier than the start date/time", E_USER_WARNING );
trigger_error( "Invalid date/time data detected", E_USER_WARNING );
return( false );

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