/*** Bandwidth Tester 0.92 ***/
/* Please wait for 1.0 patiently! */
// How many bytes to test with. Mimimum=70. 128KB=131072. 1MB=1048576
$testsize = 1048576;
header ("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past
header ("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
// always modified
header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header ("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0
header ("X-Notice: ");
header ("X-Notice: Bandwidth-Tester is freeware.");
header ("X-Notice: You may use it freely on your site.");
header ("X-Notice: Just don't remove this notice.");
header ("X-Notice: To get the source code, run this script ");
header ("X-Notice: with downloadme=1 in the query string.");
/* How does it work? The script generates a variable amount of random data
* sends it to the client and measures the time taken for transmission. The
* bandwidth is then calculated from the time using a simple algorithm.
* WARNING: This script can bog down your server - as absolutely NO
* optimization was used.
* This script is best run on the Zend PHP Engine, with Zend Optimizer.
* Any improvement in performance is not guaranteed with other
* PHP Engines.
* History:
* 0.9 - First public release
* 0.91 - Reduced the size of the timing code
* 0.92 - Reduced the size of the timing code even more
* Forecast:
* 0.921a - Adding a smaller test before the main to make results more accurate and to adjust test data according to first results
* 1.0 - Looking to adding optimization code
* 1.1 - Adding template support
* 1.2 - Adding web-based administration
echo "<html><body>";
echo "</body></html>";
else {
// First, initialize the test comment
// seed random
srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
if($testsize<70) {die("<script>alert('The test string size is less than 70. Cannot test.')</script>");
$realtestsize = $testsize - 70;
function GetTestString($drealtestsize){
$duhteststring = "<!"."--";
for($i=0;$i<$drealtestsize; $i++){
$duhteststring .= generatekeycode();
$duhteststring .= "-"."->";
return $duhteststring;
function CalculateBandwidth($Ditt,$Dott){
if($mbps>=1){$speed=$mbps." Mbps aka ".$kbps." Kbps";}
else {$speed=$kbps." Kbps aka ".$mbps." Mbps";}
$speed .="<br>Time taken to test connection: ".(($Ditt*1024)/1000)." Seconds <br>A number used to determine your speed: ".$LS."<br>Another number used to determine your speed: ".$Ditt."<br>Tested your connection with ".$Datasize."Bytes/".($Datasize/1024)."KB/".($Datasize/1048576)."MB of random data<br>";
return $speed;
function generatekeycode(){
// srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
// Made the randomizer a little more "random"! :)
srand ((double) microtime() * rand(100000,1000000) / rand(1,15));
$tester = rand(33,255);
if($tester==45)return generatekeycode();
return chr($tester);
<head><title>Bandwidth Tester</title></head>
echo('<form action="'.$HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SCRIPT_NAME"].'" method="GET">
<input type="submit" value="Click Here To Begin Testing" onClick="this.value="Please wait while your request is being processed, it may take a while">
<input type="hidden" name="execute" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="DO.NOT.CACHE" value="'.rand(255,65536).'">
$teststring=GetTestString($realtestsize);echo('<form method="POST" action="'.$HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SCRIPT_NAME"].'">
<input type="hidden" name="td" value="No Test">
<input type="button" value="Please wait while your request is being processed, it may take a while">
<script language="JavaScript">
var Hi = new Date();
</script>'.$teststring.'<script language="JavaScript">
var Bye = new Date();
var NiHao = new Array(Hi.getTime(),Bye.getTime());
var Factor=1024;
</script><p>Tested. Now processing your request....</p>');}
echo('<p>We have tested your Internet connection.<br>
The speed to which you connected to us is '.CalculateBandwidth($HTTP_POST_VARS["td"],$testsize).'
Thank you!<br>
echo('<p>We were unable to test your connection speed.<br>It was too fast to measure.<br>
<a href="'.$HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SCRIPT_NAME"].'?execute=1&DO.NOT.CACHE='.rand(255,65536).'" onClick="this.innerText=\'The system is now generating the random test data to benchmark your connection speed. It will take a while.\'">If you would like to try testing again, click here.</a></p>
</html><?php } ?>
for more details visit:
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