// Format US phone number function formatPhoneNumber($strPhone) { $strPhone = ereg_replace("[^0-9]",'', $strPhone); if (strlen($strPhone) != 10) { return $strPhone; }
/* ** Function: wordwrap example (PHP) ** Desc: Shows how to use the build-in function "wordwrap" to create line breaks by a user definied length. ** Example: see below ** Author: Jonas John */
// create a long text for testing: $long_text = 'This is a long text to demonstrate the usage of the '; $long_text .= 'wordwrap function. '; $long_text .= 'Fooooooooooooooooobar, just fooling around';
/* ** Function: similar_text (PHP) ** Desc: Shows how to use the similar_text() function to compare similar words.It returns how similar the words are. ** Example: see below ** Author: Jonas John */
Comparing 'stupid' with 'stupid': 100% Comparing 'stupid' with 'stu and pid': 71% Comparing 'stupid' with 'hello': 0% Comparing 'stupid' with 'foobar': 0% Comparing 'stupid' with 'stpid': 91% Comparing 'stupid' with 'upid': 80% Comparing 'stupid' with 'stuuupid': 86% Comparing 'stupid' with 'sstuuupiiid': 71% */
/* ** Function: soundex (PHP) ** Desc: Shows how to use the soundex() function to test if words sounds similar. ** Example: see below ** Author: Jonas John */
if (soundex($word2find) == $soundex_code) { print '"' . $word2find . '" sounds like ' . $str; } else { print '"' . $word2find . '" sounds not like ' . $str; }
print "\n"; }
/* result:
"stupid" sounds like stupid "stupid" sounds not like stu and pid "stupid" sounds not like hello "stupid" sounds not like foobar "stupid" sounds like stpid "stupid" sounds not like supid "stupid" sounds like stuuupid "stupid" sounds like sstuuupiiid */
// 2002-10-10 by Chris Snyder
// this script uses aspell, but not the internal php spelling functions which are somewhat crippled by only being able to check words, not whole documents (as of ~php 4.2.2)
// requires that aspell be installed and working at /usr/local/bin/aspell -- see http://aspell.sourceforge.net/
// 2003-01-19 -- updated tempfile to use PHP's tempfile creation mech., also bumped year
// 2003-01-24 -- fixed bug that caused improper handling of words with no suggested corrections (thanks, Dekeyzer Stephane!)
// 2003-05-06 -- fixed a bug causing bad things to happen when multiple instances of incorrect words were found on any given line (thanks, Dallas Brown!)
// -- also fixed script so that $opener and $closer work for custom labeling of errors (thanks again, Dallas Brown!)
spellcheck.php -- aspell-based spellchecker implemented in PHP
Copyright (C) 2003 by Chris Snyder (csnyder@chxo.com)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// file paths and the aspell command have moved down below line 58
// show source code part I
if ($showsource) $sourceinfo= "Script: $_SERVER[SCRIPT_FILENAME] ( source code )";
else $sourceinfo= "show PHP source code";
if (trim($text)!="") {
$showsource= 0;
$sourceinfo= "";
print "
Spell Check Some Text
// if text+check is supplied, first open and create $temptext, then spell check
if (trim($text)!="" && ($_POST['submit']=="check" || $_POST['submit']=="re-check")) {
// set up some vars and create a tempfile
// tempnam() is a PHP function that creates a unique tempfile in the specified path,
// with the specified prefix
$temptext= tempnam("/tmp", "spelltext");
// if you spellcheck alot of HTML, add the -H flag to aspell to put it in SGML mode
$aspellcommand= "cat $temptext | /usr/local/bin/aspell -a";
// these three determine how errors are flagged ($indicator is a description of what $opener and $closer do)
$indicator= "bold";
$opener= "";
$closer= "";
if ($fd=fopen($temptext,"w")) {
$textarray= explode("\n",$text);
foreach($textarray as $key=>$value) {
// adding the carat to each line prevents the use of aspell commands within the text...
// next create tempdict and temprepl (skipping for now...)
// next run aspell
$return= shell_exec($aspellcommand);
// now unlink that tempfile
$ureturn= unlink($temptext);
//next parse $return and $text line by line, eh?
$returnarray= explode("\n",$return);
$returnlines= count($returnarray);
$textlines= count($textarray);
//print "text has $textlines lines and return has $returnlines lines.";
$lineindex= -1;
$poscorrect= 0;
$counter= 0;
foreach($returnarray as $key=>$value) {
// if there is a correction here, processes it, else move the $textarray pointer to the next line
if (substr($value,0,1)=="&") {
//print "Line $lineindex correction:".$value." ";
$correction= explode(" ",$value);
$word= $correction[1];
$absposition= substr($correction[3],0,-1)-1;
$position= $absposition+$poscorrect;
$niceposition= $lineindex.",".$absposition;
$suggstart= strpos($value,":")+2;
$suggestions= substr($value,$suggstart);
$suggestionarray= explode(", ",$suggestions);
//print "I found $word at $position. Will suggest $suggestions. ";
// highlight in text
$beforeword= substr($textarray[$lineindex],0,$position);
$afterword= substr($textarray[$lineindex],$position+strlen($word));
$textarray[$lineindex]= $beforeword."$opener$word$closer".$afterword;
// kludge for multiple words in one line ("" adds 7 chars to subsequent positions, for instance)
$poscorrect= $poscorrect+strlen("$opener$closer");
// build the correction form
$counter= $counter+1;
$formbody.= "
elseif (substr($value,0,1)=="#") {
//print "Line $lineindex unknown:".$value." ";
$correction= explode(" ",$value);
$word= $correction[1];
$absposition= $correction[2] - 1;
$position= $absposition+$poscorrect;
$niceposition= $lineindex.",".$absposition;
$suggestions= "no suggestions";
$suggestionarray= explode(", ",$suggestions);
//print "I found $word at $position. Will suggest $suggestions. ";
// highlight in text
$beforeword= substr($textarray[$lineindex],0,$position);
$afterword= substr($textarray[$lineindex],$position+strlen($word));
$textarray[$lineindex]= $beforeword."$opener$word$closer".$afterword;
// kludge for multiple words in one line ("" adds 7 chars to subsequent positions)
$poscorrect= $poscorrect+strlen("$opener$closer");
// build the correction form
$counter= $counter+1;
$formbody.= "
else {
//print "Done with line $lineindex, next line...
$lineindex= $lineindex+1;
print "Uncorrected Text (potential errors in $opener$indicator$closer):
$htmltext= htmlentities($text);
if ($formbody=="") $formbody= "
No errors! Click 'correct' to continue with text unchanged.
print "
Correction form:
//print "Return:".nl2br($return);
// or if text+correct is specified, make the indicated corrections
elseif (trim($text)!="" && $_POST['submit']=="correct") {
$textarray= explode("\n",$text);
$index= 1;
$lastlineindex= 0;
$poscorrect= 0;
// look through list of positions and make corrections
while (isset($_POST["position$index"])) {
$positionarray= explode(",",$_POST["position$index"]);
$lineindex= $positionarray[0];
$absposition= $positionarray[1];
print "
spellcheck.php Copyright (C) 2003 by Chris Snyder
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome
to redistribute it under certain conditions; please refer to the
GNU General Public License for details.
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